Friday, September 30, 2011

UPDATE... it's been a while!

Well, like I said it's been a while since I've posted here!  We have been so busy! Between doctor, dental, vision appointments for the girls on top of school and school activities we've been swamped! We have 2 more appointments in October as well. The youngest is having dental surgery on the 19th. Then she has a follow-up with her pediatrician regarding the new allergy meds the week after that. My oldest has shots the same day as the follow-up. And I'm not exactly sure if the youngest will have a follow-up after her surgery. Not sure how that works.
We have also been doing the Lowe's Build & Grow program. We go twice a month and the girls each build the day's project, get their badges for that project, and their certificates. It's a great out-of-the-home activity for them and they LOVE it! Those Saturdays are also family day. We take the girls to lunch at their choice of restaurant and they get to spend their money they have earned for the past two weeks of chores. On the opposite weekends of these outings they have library Friday. That is today and they are beyond excited! So that's what has been keeping us so busy.
As far as what they've been doing in homeschool we've been busy there too! Serena spent a week or so focusing on math. I've found that she learns and retains better if we have a main focus subject with lighter work on the side. So we did math for a couple weeks and have now moved into grammar. Today she focused on punctuation and capitalization. She has been learning the subject and predicate parts of sentences also. We are working our way up to nouns and all those different parts of a sentence that accompany all this! I wish I knew of a way to lapbook some of this, but at this point I'm drawing a blank! Any tips?
Aleah has been doing typical Pre-K work. Numbers, letters, shapes, etc. Today we re-visited the letter Aa. She did a few worksheets and then a book on the letter A that I got from DLTK printables online.
Anyway, that's pretty much our quick update and view into life for the past month!  Maybe next update I'll have photos and/or videos to accompany the blog update! :)
Until then, Be blessed and have a wonderful day Homeschooling!